Two Examples of Geomembranes as Innovative Construction Materials

Posted by Felon Wilson on Jul 10, 2024 8:28:58 AM

For several years, the U.S. Congress has considered legislation encouraging the use of innovative construction materials. A specific bill termed “Innovative Materials in American Growth and Infrastructure Newly Expanded” or called “IMAGINE,” was first introduced in 2018. It was again introduced in 2021 as a result of the increased infrastructure expenditures anticipated for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also in 2021. While the bill has not been previously approved and enacted, it was reintroduced in November 2023. As a summary, IMAGINE has these principal goals: 

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Part 2: How are Geomembranes Used in Disinfection Processes and How to Select the Right One?

Posted by Felon Wilson on Jun 5, 2024 9:55:04 AM

Top 5 Essential Considerations for Selecting the Right Geomembrane for Your Disinfection System

Post 2: How are Geomembranes Used in Disinfection Processes and How to Select the Right One?

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Part 1: What are the Most Common Disinfection Methods?

Posted by Felon Wilson on May 8, 2024 3:26:50 PM

Top 5 Essential Considerations for Selecting the Right Geomembrane for Your Disinfection System

Part 1: What are the Most Common Disinfection Methods?

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Mastering Geomembrane Selection: Utilizing Standards in 3 Steps for Project Evaluation

Posted by Felon Wilson on Apr 24, 2024 10:24:06 AM

For the most part, all geomembranes have a similar broad function: A fluid barrier. When comparing, the confusion lies in the fact that they are manufactured by different methods and constructed differently, which result in varying properties to accomplish the broad fluid barrier function. Plus, the definition of “fluid barrier” is subjective depending on a host of site, application, fluid composition and regulatory factors. Key geomembrane properties are required to support the overall function.

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Part 3: Examples of Geomembranes Encountering Unexpected Contaminants

Posted by Felon Wilson on Mar 27, 2024 10:57:30 AM

Navigating Unexpected Contaminants with Your Geomembrane System

Part 3: Examples of Geomembranes Encountering Unexpected Contaminants

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Part 2: Essential Evaluations for When Your Geomembrane System Encounters Unexpected Containments

Posted by Felon Wilson on Mar 7, 2024 11:46:56 AM

Navigating Unexpected Contaminants with Your Geomembrane System

Part 2: Essential Evaluations for When Your Geomembrane System Encounters Unexpected Containments 

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Part 1: What are the Concerns of Unexpected Contaminants

Posted by Felon Wilson on Feb 22, 2024 10:27:57 AM

Navigating Unexpected Contaminants with Your Geomembrane System

Part 1: What are the Concerns of Unexpected Contaminants

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Geomembranes Revolutionizing U.S. Water Industry: Tackling 2023 Survey Concerns

Posted by Felon Wilson on Jan 24, 2024 9:45:00 AM

By coincidence, two independent surveys were recently released which identified key issues in the U.S. Water Industry. The reports are:

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Part 4 - Geomembrane Applications in Secondary - Tertiary Wastewater Treatment and Residuals Management

Posted by Felon Wilson on Oct 25, 2023 9:43:00 AM

Wastewater Series:  How Geomembranes help to improve Water quality, lower costs and increase efficiencies in wastewater treatment 

Part 4 - Geomembrane Applications in Secondary - Tertiary Wastewater Treatment and Residuals Management

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