Nothing is indestructible, and that includes a geomembrane. While they are designed as a barrier against liquid, there are a variety of mechanical activities that will prevent a geomembrane from functioning as intended. Plus, these activities will also adversely affect the longevity of the geomembrane as well.
Posted by
Felon Wilson on Jul 28, 2022 8:55:57 AM
When the proper geomembrane installation is used and operated correctly on an engineered project, it can be a cost-effective way to create a sound fluid barrier. While any construction project will have variables that make it unique and each site/application will have its own set of complexities, geomembrane solutions can be readily optimized for the need.
Posted by
Felon Wilson on Apr 20, 2022 9:21:46 AM
A recent article, written on behalf of the Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association (WWEMA), detailed the complexity of contracts in today’s world. The article addresses the problems in the context of the water and wastewater industry, which includes a substantial portion of the geomembrane industry.