When the borough of Bellefonte, Pennsylvania needed to cover its namesake spring, it turned to XR-3® PW, a potable water geomembrane that was both safe and aesthetically pleasing.
XR-5® Geomembrane completely seals the outflow of wastewater, protects the system and contributes to this environmentally friendly cheese manufacturing facility.
Sigsbee Reservoir, Erie, PA's largest drinking water source, trusts XR-5 geomembrane for years of proven performance.
The largest floating cover in the world is made of the XR-5® Geomembrane.
Meeting the need to control odor while maintaining access to a pre-aeration basin, the Grand Strand Water and Sewer Authority of South Carolina needed a cover for its pre-aeration basins. Because of the plant's proximity to homes and a golf course, odor control was a primary concern.
Salt Lake City Airport uses XR-5 floating covers to contain deicing fluid, protecting surrounding rivers and streams.
XR-5® Geomembrane serves as floating cover for largest frozen french fry producer.