Felon Wilson

Felon Wilson is a Geomembrane Consultant for Seaman Corporation, serving the company for more than 30 years. He holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Civil Engineering and is considered one of the foremost experts in geomembrane technologies and applications.

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Part 3: Geomembrane Applications in Wastewater Collection and Equalization, and Primary Treatment

Posted by Felon Wilson on Oct 11, 2023 9:47:43 AM

Wastewater Series:  How Geomembranes help to improve Water quality, lower costs and increase efficiencies in wastewater treatment 

Part 3: Geomembrane Applications in Wastewater Collection and Equalization, and Primary Treatment

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Part 2: Wastewater Treatment Processes

Posted by Felon Wilson on Sep 28, 2023 11:13:39 AM

Wastewater Series: How Geomembranes help to improve water quality, lower costs and increase efficiencies in wastewater treatment

Part 2:  Wastewater Treatment Processes

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Part 1: Wastewater Industry in North America

Posted by Felon Wilson on Sep 13, 2023 11:36:04 AM

Wastewater Series: How Geomembranes help to improve water quality, lower costs and increase efficiencies in wastewater treatment

Part 1: Wastewater Industry in North America

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Five Major Considerations when Designing Geomembrane Mechanical Attachments

Posted by Felon Wilson on Aug 23, 2023 9:18:57 AM

The terms attachments, penetrations and terminations are often considered synonymous, or at least in the same family, when used in the context of geomembranes. This post will focus on attachments and specifically a review of ASTM D6497, one of the main guides for geomembrane mechanical attachments.

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Defining a Geomembrane Liner Failure

Posted by Felon Wilson on Aug 10, 2023 10:27:48 AM

As Engineers, we use the term “failure” in a number of ways but know that it implies something did not perform as expected. Was it the fault of the “failed” thing or action, or was it a failure in how it was expected to perform, under those conditions? Regardless, we all know that failure brings negative connotations in many ways, and none are desirable.

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Three Cost Savings Geomembranes Provide in Potable Water

Posted by Felon Wilson on Jul 14, 2023 10:55:44 AM

Resiliency in drinking water systems has become a broad discussion as many systems have experienced operational and quality problems. Like much of our ageing infrastructure, the backlog of needed updates and repairs continues to grow.

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Four Consideration Factors when Evaluating a Geomembrane Warranty

Posted by Felon Wilson on Jun 29, 2023 10:07:54 AM

Geomembrane warranties are typically provided by the manufacturer. Standard warranties are usually included at no additional cost and vary among manufacturers and products, in coverage, duration and other factors. It can be confusing trying to understand what a warranty really says. What needs to be considered when evaluating a geomembrane warranty? 

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How are Geomembranes Used to Store Raw Water and How Do I Select the Right One?

Posted by Felon Wilson on Jun 13, 2023 9:45:00 AM

Managing Raw Water Storage with Geomembranes in Water Treatment Plants 

Post 2: How are Geomembranes Used to Store Raw Water and How Do I Select the Right One? 

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What is Raw Water Storage?

Posted by Felon Wilson on Jun 1, 2023 10:02:23 AM

Managing Raw Water Storage with Geomembranes in Water Treatment Plants 

Post 1: What is Raw Water Storage?

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